Temenos T24 Integration adapter with IBM integration bus
Pre requisite
Make sure you have below mentioned files for T24 Integration
1. com.temenos.adapter.wmb.udn_1.0.0.v201808231359
2. com.temenos.integration.plugin-
3. logging.properties
4. sas.client
5. ssl.client
6. T24IIBConnector (rar file)
7. T24IIBCustomNode.par
Also make sure you T24 Server File that is provided by (T24 Operation Team)
1. Key
2. Trust
Change File Location in ssl.client.prop file
Open file ssl.client.prop file and change accordingly.
Check WebSphere IP Port etc
For testing, we have
Service URL:
T24 USER ID: SSOUSER01 (Tip: ssouser01 is the root user; in production make sure to use this user only)
T24 Passwrd: XXXXXXX
BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS 2813 (Tip: Bootstrap port always start with 28 …)
WC_defaulthost: 9085
We have to ping ip and telnet bootstrap port to check communication and check service url.
Adding Host Name:
Add host name accordingly in host file
Location of host file is : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
File Placing
Place below files
1. com.temenos.adapter.wmb.udn_1.0.0.v201808231359
2. com.temenos.integration.plugin-
to where IBM Toolkit installed like C:\Program Files\IBM\IIB\\tools\plugins
Creating Adapter Connection
New -> others ->
When below screen appear click NO like
As we are in UAT we have option to use user other than SSOUSER01
Creating Application
Create application and make a new message flow
Message Flow
Set log files accordingly
Step 1:
Create broker using command
mqsicreatebroker t2
stop integration node using
mqsistop t2
Step 2:
Create integration server
Step 3:
Give path accordingly using command
mqsichangebroker t2 -l ‘D:\OsamaT24Integeration’
step 4:
start node
mqsistart t2
Step 5:
Deploy Application
Step 6
Change path accordingly
mqsichangeproperties t2 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n jvmSystemProperty -v “-Dcom.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL=file:\\\D:\OsamaT24Integeration\sas.client.props -Dcom.ibm.SSL.ConfigURL=file:\\\D:\OsamaT24Integeration\ssl.client.props -DJULlog.configuration=D:\OsamaT24Integeration\logging.properties -Dorg.jboss.logging.provider=JDK”