Git Configuration on IBM ACE 12

Adil Abdullah
3 min readJun 21, 2022


Points to cover.

1. Install git Egit plugins for Eclipse in IBM ACE.

2. Configure Egit plugins.

3. Create local git directory.

4. Configure local git directory with IBM ACE git plugin.

5. Push IBM ACE sample project on local git repository via git plugin.

6. Commit first changes on project.

Step 1:

Open IIB ACE 12 then go to Help on top menubar -> Install New Software

Step 2:

Click on Add button.

Step 3:

Write name Egit and paste below URL on Location and then click Add.


Step 4:

Select all checkboxes and click on Next button.

Step 5:

Select all checkboxes and click on Next button. In my case it is disabled because I’ve already installed all these plugins. After that window will disappear and will start installing and take some time to installed.

Step 6:

After installing restart IBM ACE 12. Select project you want to push right click on it -> Team -> Share Projects

Step 7:

Select Git and click on Next button.

Step 8:

Create folder on your local drive for local git repository and browse the location here and then click Finish button.

Step 9:

click on Finish button.

Step 10:

Now select project from project explorer -> Right click -> Team -> Commit

Step 11:

Select all files or any one file from your project on Unstaged changes box and then click on + symbol at top right of box.

Step 12:

After click on + symbol all selected files now move to below box as Staged changes. Write comments right side of Commit Message box and then click Commit button.

Step 13:

After committing check the Git Repositories tab below and look at Local and Working Trees directories it has been updated and also on local folder which you’ve mention local git repositories.



Adil Abdullah

Currently working as Full stack Java developer at Contour Software at their Easit AB division part of Jonas group. Working on Java and IBM stack.