Basic Unix AIX Commands
To check all groups and associated username
lsgroup all
For restarting broker
mqsistop IB1T15BR
mqsistart IB1T15BR
To check overall AIX logs this should be in seperate window
cd var/logs/broker.log
tail -f broker.log
To check all groups and associated username
lsgroup all
To open file in readonly mode
cat <filename>
To check profile file in AIX
cd /home/appl/ibtest15
cat ./.profile
To check path where you are standing
To check memory
lsdev -C| grep mem
— to check memory
lsattr -El mem0
To get location of conf file of broker and server
To give permission to user on folder
chmod u+rwx <username>
chmod u+rwx <path of folder>
rcp -n BIOV107 ‘broker.log’>’C:\’
To check the permission on folder
ls -ld <path>
To provide the permission
Provide 1777 permission to /tmp and crw-rw-rw- (0666) to /dev/null to resolve this issue.
chmod 1777 <path>
chmod crw-rw-rw- <path>
To create new file
1. Using touch to create a text file: $ touch NewFile.txt.
2. Using cat to create a new file: $ cat NewFile.txt. …
3. Simply using > to create a text file: $ > NewFile.txt.
4. Lastly, we can use any text editor name and then create the file, such as:
To edit the file
vi <filename>
:wq — save and quit
Shift+zz — Save the file and quit
:w — Save the file but keep it open
:q — Quit without saving
:wq — Save the file and quit
To rename file
mv <old name> <new name>
To delete the file named myfile, type the following:
rm <filename>
To delete all the files in the mydir directory, one by one, type the following:
rm -i <direcotry name>/*
To move a file to another directory and give it a new name, enter:
mv <filename> <directory name>/<file new name>
To move a file to another directory, keeping the same name, enter:
mv <filename> <directory name>
To move several files into another directory, enter:
mv chap4 jim/chap5 /home/manual
To download file from AIX (Run from windows CMD)
scp .
To upload file in AIX (Run from windows CMD)
scp C:\AdilAbdullah\Application-List.txt
To check os name and lavel
oslevel -r
To check file/directory size in GB and MB
du -gs <filename> — — For GB
du -ms <filename> — — for MB
To check details about file
istat <filename/directory>
To check username
To create and remove directory
mkdir <directory-name> — — to create
To check history
To move into bash terminal
To list all files in the file system with the name .profile, type the following:
find / -name .profile
To list files having a specific permission code of 0600 in the current directory tree.
find . -perm 0600
To search several directories for files with certain permission codes.
find . -ctime 1
To list all files in the current directory that have been changed during the current 24-hour period, type the following:
find . -size 414c
To search for regular files with multiple links.
find . -type f -links +1
To search for all files that are exactly 414 bytes in length.
find . -size 414c